Khutbah #4: The Chicken in the
Surah 3: Al-Imran
Verily, in the
creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the succession on night and day,
there are indeed messages for all who are endowed with insight, [190] and who
remember God when they stand, and when they sit, and when they lie down to
sleep, and thus reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth;
“O our Sustainer! You
have not created any of this without meaning and purpose. You are limitless in Your glory! Keep us safe then, from suffering through
fire! [191]
A very dear friend shared a wonderful metaphor with me a few
days ago, about one of God’s miraculous creations, the egg.
Let’s focus for a moment on the wonder of the egg. Eggs are marvelous creations. They are exquisitely calibrated with purpose and meaning, to sustain the
growing chick within. The shell offers
just the right level of protection – strong enough to protect the growing
embryo, but not so strong that the chick will not be able to peck it’s way out
at the appropriate time. The embryo
grows for an appointed number of days – 21.
If the shell is broken to soon before it’s time, the embryo dies. If the new chick is not able to peck it’s way
out of the shell at the appointed time, it will die. The egg and the chick co-exist in their
respective roles of protector and nurturer, and growing life within. They follow their God given roles without
question or challenge.
Surah 22: Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
Art thou not aware
that before God prostrate themselves all that are in the heavens and all that
are on earth – the sun, the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the
trees and the beasts? [18]
Revelation tells us that all of nature, including all the
beasts, follow the will of God without question. Now imagine, for a moment, what would happen
if the little chicks in their eggs had been given the gift of consciousness and
free will. Imagine what could
result. Perhaps they, now endowed with
creative intelligence, would sense that there are others like them outside
their shells, and that there is a wider world beyond their own. They might develop technologies inside their
eggs, so that they could communicate with each other. Imagine that some of the chicks who had
incubated for 15 days developed the equivalent of iPhones, that could send them
pictures of the world outside. They
would see the most marvelous green grass, and blue sky, and multicolored
flowers, and a beautiful mother hen feeding them delicious grains. They might get so excited and agitated that
they would roll around and knock up against their shells and possibly break
them open before they were fully developed, and they would die.
Imagine that some of the other unhatched chicks who had
incubated for 15 days had developed only simple cellphone – like contraptions,
that they could only use to talk to each other.
They had all sensed another world outside of their shells. But the only reality they knew was inside,
where they had everything they needed – food, warmth, and safety. How could they trust that there was really someone
out there who would feed them, and how could they possibly survive without their
protective shell around them? “Why give
up this perfect world we have?,” they might decide. And so they would be overcome by fear and
refuse to use the egg beaks that have formed on their little heads to help them
peck open their shells at 21 days. And
they would use up all their food, and grow too big for their shells, and suffocate
and die.
Surah 3: Al-Imran
(The House of Imran)
And no human being can
die save by God’s leave, at a term pre-ordained. [145]
We are similar to the baby chick in it’s egg, in that we
have a number of days in our physical bodies, on earth. Our number of days is ordained. But unlike the little chicks, our consciousness
includes the gift of free will. Our challenge is to use that free will to
glorify our Creator, even though we cannot not possibly understand the nature
of our Creator from within the confines of our physical “shells.” This is our ultimate challenge. And we have become very, very skillful at
finding ways to “go astray.”
Surah 22: Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
And many human beings
submit to God consciously, whereas many others, having defied Him, will
inevitably have to suffer [in the life to come], and he whom God shall scorn
[on Resurrection Day] will have none who could bestow honor on him; for verily,
God does what He wills. [18]
What does that mean – that God will scorn those who defy
Him? The image we project is of a
judgmental deity, ready to punish any who do not follow His will. But remember that the Quran was revealed in 7th
century Arabia, in language that would be understandable, not just
linguistically, but culturally to the people of that time and place. They did not have words or the understanding
for concepts like “consciousness” or laws of “cause and effect.” And so I must study these admonitions in
Quran for their deeper meaning, for the meaning they convey to me. And I understand them like this: there are several places in Quran where God
points out that people who have sinned have not harmed God at all, they have
only harmed themselves, as in
Suran 2: Al-Baqarah
And [by all their
sinning] they did no harm unto Us – but [only] against their own selves did
they sin. [57]
We “sin” by
separating ourselves from God, in a myriad of different ways. We have developed a plethora of technologies
that we use to help us accomplish just that.
And the worst sin of all lies in taking our accomplishments and our
ability to achieve more and more too
seriously – to think that we can solve all our problems ourselves, in this
physical realm. We can come to think of
faith as an historic relic of human civilization, better left so that we can
move on and conquer the next seemingly unachievable task on earth. This is like the chicks with the “iPhones,” –
they could “see” the better world out there and were convinced that they could
take it on of their own volition. And
they were lost. When we lose our faith
that our Creator - God determines our destiny and will guide us to the next
stage when we are ready, we are truly lost.
We also “sin” by being like the chicks with the cellphones,
who convince each other that there cannot be any better world than the one they
are in. We cling to what we know and
trust as if that were all there is. We
worship the practice of our ancestors, the beauty of our earth, our bodies, our
senses, and our creations. We lose our
innate intuitive understanding that all this is but a pale reflection of the
greater Reality that is God. We cling to
this world and become corrupted and deceived by it, and we only harm
ourselves. We can cut ourselves off from
God to the extent that when our time comes to leave the physical world, our
spirit is so immersed in this one that we cannot move on. To me, all the metaphors in Quran that
describe hell would encompass that sad fate.
God tells us that nature is full of signs for those who
believe. The metaphor of the chicken in
the egg can be seen as one of God’s signs to us, to trust the process and
purpose of incubation in this life… to appreciate the gift of our eggs – to use
our intelligence and creative abilities to take care of our eggs, and to help
each other do so, and take care of the physical world that supports us. And never to forget that there is a broader
Reality, Creation, and Purpose that we are part of, and will move on to when it
is our time.
Surah 32: As-Sajdah
He governs all that
exists, from the celestial space to the earth; and in the end all shall ascend
unto Him on a Day the length whereof will be like a thousand years of your
reckoning [5]
Such is He who knows
all that is beyond the reach of a created being’s perception, as well as all
that can be witnessed by a creature’s senses or mind: the Almighty, the Dispenser of Grace [6] who
makes most excellent everything that He creates. [7]
Surah 54: Al-Qamar (The Moon)
Behold, everything
have We created in due measure and proportion [49] and Our ordaining is but one
act, like the twinkling of an eye. [50]
Such a nice description of the world outside the egg.